How to setup a browseable source code repository in minutes.
What I needed, was actually very simple: a read-only checkout of a selected set of repositories, which are constantly updated and therefore browse-able.
I first tried tailor and … failed. The documentation is not very extensive and if you try to solve an authentication issue with three components involved (ssh, tailor and git) you’re burning time.
I thought a better way is possibly by using git-svn. I wrote a little bash script, which clones a list of source code repositories and updates them constantly. Because the whole thing took me about an hour to setup, I thought it would be prudent to share the little piece of code with the outside world. Maybe someone feels lucky and needs something similar:#!/bin/bash # the directory in which all repositories are mirrored ROOT=$HOME/repos SCRIPTROOT=$HOME/bin # repository urls SVNROOT=svn:// GITROOT=ssh:// # list seperated by newline with the names of all repositories GITREPOSITORIES=`cat $SCRIPTROOT/gitrepositories` REPOSITORIES=`cat $SCRIPTROOT/svnrepositories` AUTHORSFILE=$SCRIPTROOT/svnauthors rebase_only() { if test -d $1; then cd $1; echo "Rebase in " `pwd`; case $2 in svn) git svn rebase; ;; *) git pull --rebase; esac cd $ROOT; fi; } cd $ROOT; for repo in $REPOSITORIES; do rebase_only $repo "svn"; if !(test -d $repo); then echo "creating new repo" $repo git svn clone -A$AUTHORSFILE $SVNROOT/$repo; fi; done; for repo in $GITREPOSITORIES; do tmp=${repo##*/}; reponame=${tmp%*.git}; rebase_only $reponame "git"; if !(test -d $reponame); then echo "creating new git repo" $repo; git clone $GITROOT/$repo; fi; done;