handleUidAnnotationEvent from Products.CMFUID throws AttributeError

Posted on April 20, 2012
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I stumbled over a weird error during a package setup, which turned out a PEBCAC error. The full traceback:

File "/home/roman/.buildout/eggs/zope.interface-3.6.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/zope/interface/adapter.py", line 583, in subscribers
File "/home/roman/.buildout/eggs/Products.CMFUid-2.2.1-py2.6.egg/Products/CMFUid/UniqueIdAnnotationTool.py", line 86, in handleUidAnnotationEvent
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'unregister'

I went throught my whole code and type setup unable to find the mistake I’ve made unless I saw the problem. I imported a configuration module for an ArcheTypes content type declaration from a separate package which was not declared in the setup.py of my new package, e.g.:

$ cat my.package.event.py
from separate.package.config import PROJECTNAME
from plone.directives.form import Schema

class IMyType(Schema): ...

If you stumble over this error, make sure your imports are sane.