Deploying Plone 2 with a ZEO Server
Tags: deployment, Plone
Use Python 2.3
I’ve always compiled my own python 2.3 to avoid any side effects introduced by python installations from the distribution. Version 1.2.1 of zc.buildout works fine for me, the only missing thing is the subprocess module introduced in python 2.4. To get buildout running, I’ve copied from python 2.4 into the python 2.3 installation. After that is done, run the bootstrap with (the -v pins the zc.buildout version to 1.2.1):/path/to/python2.3/bin/python -v1.2.1
Run with zc.buildout
I’ve created a sample buildout.cfg and put it up on gist. The important part is the ‘fixup’ which simply comments out 3 keys in the generated config files, which are not supported by the Zope/ZEO version. Depending how much time you have available, play with the options to pin eggs instead of dropping the whole CMFPlone tarball in the products directory. Running the buildout from the products directory is the quickest way tho.